Tenure Track Faculty
Katrina Miranda
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Research Coordinator
Vicente Talanquer*
University Distinguished Professor
Accepting Students
Lucy M. Ziurys*
Regents Professor, CBC and Astronomy
Accepting Students
Teaching Faculty
Deirdre (Dee) Belle-Oudry
Associate Professor of Practice
Associate Department Head, Education & Academic Affairs
Hamish Christie
Associate Professor of Practice
Coordinator, Organic Laboratory
Amy Graham
Associate Professor of Practice and Graduate College Faculty Fellow
Marie-Pierre Hasne
Assistant Professor of Practice
Diversity Champion, Liaison with the College of Medicine-Tucson
Vlad Kumirov
Assistant Professor of Practice
Assistant Staff Scientist, NMR Facility
John Pollard
Dean, W.A. Franke Honors College
Professor of Practice
Research Faculty
Joint Faculty
Pascale Charest^*
Associate Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Accepting Students
Carol Dieckmann^
Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Nancy C. Horton*^
Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Accepting Students
Christopher Hulme*^
Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Accepting Students
Erin Ratcliff*^
Associate Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Accepting Students
Gregory Thatcher^
Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Wei Wang*^
Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Accepting Students
Dale P Woolridge^
Professor, Emergency Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Jeong-Yeol Yoon*^
Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Biosystems Engineering
Accepting Students
Haining Zhu^
Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Accepting Students