February 2020 Students of the Month

March 3, 2020
Photo of Diego Gamboa

Congratulations to Diego Gamboa (nominated by Jibriel Noun) and Madi Glassner (nominated by Christa Imrich) who have been selected as our February Students of the Month!

Jibriel says this about Diego, "I have taken multiple upper division courses with Diego, and we have had good times studying and collaborating. He is always willing to work together, which I truly believe is beneficial when it comes to mastering material. Not only this, but this semester specifically he has helped me out as I work and have trouble making it to class, by answering all of my questions without a bother. He is willing to aid me in the discussions, and I appreciate the fact that he is always willing. He could easily go by without helping me out, but I see him also helping and collaborating with others."

Photo of Madi Glasner

In her nomination, Christa said this about Madi, "I met Madi our sophomore year in first semester organic chemistry lab. We quickly became friends, and, sharing the same majors (MCB and Biochemistry) ended up having classes together every semester up to now, our senior year. Madi is intelligent, inquisitive, and a hard-worker. The effort she employs to go above and beyond in learning every topic for every class we take has inspired and motivated me throughout the past few years. Whether it be genetics, cancer biology, or biochemistry, Madi’s passion for science and desire to understand complex topics at the fundamental level is inspiring to me as an aspiring scientist. Having classes together over the past few years, we often find ourselves studying together for exams, quizzes, homework, or discussion. Madi is always there to help me if I have questions or to make sure I understand a topic. Her desire to not only understand the topics herself but to help me understand them as well is extraordinary. Madi is a great student and friend and I know she will make a phenomenal doctor in the near future. Of all the people I know, no one is more deserving of this award than Madi.”